Being Busy

We are all busy. We all have lives to live and jobs to go to and responsibilities to tend to. When we get that spark, that idea that we can no longer contain and just have to write, it is easy to do inventory on our lives and think, how am I going to bring this story to life? With what time? With whose energy?

I know I’ve struggled with this. I still do, in fact. I was supposed to write and post this blog last week. And yet, here I am. Just now writing and posting it. So, it happens with all of us. Now obviously creating a schedule is going to be super personal, but here are some things that have helped me in the past.


·      Keep a notebook near as much as possible. When I’m writing on a story I seem to be always thinking and imagining scenes for it. New parts and certain lines of conversation comes to me. Having a notebook around, I can write it down immediately instead of expecting myself to just remember when I get to that part. Because when will I get to that part?

·      Taking advantage of your Notes app is good for this too. As well as a good alternative for if you work outside the home and can’t always have a notebook on you at work. Plus, you can back it up.

·      Speaking of phones, make a voice note! You can transcribe it later.

·      Make your goals manageable and realistic. If you haven’t written in years or ever on a consistent basis, then giving yourself the goal to write 5-10 thousand words a day isn’t realistic. Start with something small and easily consumable. This can be as small as ten minutes a day for a week. And even if you exceed that every day, great! That is the point. Then the next week increase it by five to ten minutes.

·      Write when you can. This may not be every day. It may not be every week. If you can only write when you’re in the bathroom, fine! Write in the bathroom! Sometimes life is like that. And it is okay.

·      Write it all down. You won’t remember. You will not remember. You. WILL. NOT. REMEMBER. Write it down. Record it. Sort it out later.


We are busier. But we also have access to things that we didn’t in the past as well. Let’s take advantage. Even a little progress leads to great results.

What are some ways you incorporate writing into your busy life?


Until next time, happy writing and reading!


August Recap